Collection & Themes

The Collection

Maastricht is the central location of the collection, but the objects span throughout the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion (Euregio). View the interactive map below to see where the objects were found. 

Click on each of the objects on the interactive map to learn more.

The Purpose of the Objects

Each object has a compelling history. Watch this video to listen to Astrid Smeets, Chief Curator at Centre Céramique, discussing the origins of the objects and the collection. Using a printed 3D model of the Roman-British drinking cup, Astrid also raises important questions around the idea of reproductions of artefacts asking “what can we use it for”? 


All the objects fall under certain themes presented below. Click on each theme to explore the objects and the history behind them.

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Daily Life and Death

Dive deeper into the daily life of the people of Limburg, their everyday tools and mortality

Economics and Wealth

See the development of Maastricht’s economy from the Neolithic period to the post Colonial War era

Power and Politics

These objects reveal compelling politics and power struggles. Get to know more about the different wars and the former connection between status and governance

Relgion and Beliefs

Learn about how Maastricht was built around Religion, its changing rituals and spirituality from paganism to Catholicism

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View all the 22 digitised objects that form the Maastricht Collection. Click to explore each object, its story, and its role within the collection.